Once, Lucus Shaw was my everything.
First kiss. First surrender. First man to promise me a ring, children, a life together.
I remember his rogue smirk, his soul stinging kiss, the blistering words that always made him a little dangerous.
I gave him my body for one insatiable night. He gave me secrets, heartbreak, and hatred.
Friends, to lovers, to mortal enemies. Our tragic destiny.
But I survived. Adapted. Moved on.
Fate doesn't care.
Luke's back, and I have to pretend we still have a Cinderella romance to save my career.
Hate never fades. It rages when we lie to the world, when we lust, even when I'm begging for his baby.
What if hate can't save me anymore? What if the man I swore I'd never give a second chance gives me baby fever for real?
I was her first, and I'll damned sure be her last. I made a promise.
Robbi's an addiction I can't quit. A million of her icy looks won't make me forget what we had.
How delicious she looked when I brought her to her knees. How she ached for more. How she ripped my heart out when vicious lies ended us.
This isn't over. Love never fades. I'll make our fake kisses real.
It's not too late to have it all: my ring on her hand, my name on her lips, my baby in her.
She'll beg for me again before we're done playing pretend. Oh, how she'll beg.
Published: March 5th, 2017
Pages: 330
Genres: Romance
Format: Kindle
Date Read: June 28th-July 2nd, 2018
Rating: 3 Potatoes 🥔🥔🥔
So I'm not sure where to start with this review. I didn't love this book but I don't hate it either. It definitely got me all fired up when I see the mistakes both the hero and heroine made but I had a hard time getting on board with this book. I just kept thinking that certain things didn't make sense.
This couple made me go nuts with how bad they were with communication. They did not need to be apart for 5 years - it was so unnecessary! Yes, Luke should have opened his mouth about what he knew to give her a heads up but she also shouldn't have been so nasty to him and shoved him out of her life when he technically didn't do anything wrong. Trust is a huge issue, I get that, but she could have at least tried to understand where he was coming from. I understand being angry in the heat of the moment and not thinking clearly but when they spoke a few days later she had had time to calm down and think rationally. I think I felt bad more for Luke than Robbi!
"No matter how sexy he is, how well he calls to my senses with his mad inks and muscle, I'll never forget our unique pain. I'll never forgive him for hiding what he knew, for letting his father prey on us, or for abandoning me in the end."
What? Five years have passed in this story and I'm seriously baffled by her thought process here. I get that her mom twisted her thoughts around but I really am confused as to why she has jumped to these conclusions. Yes, Luke backed off but she basically PUSHED him out of her life. The only thing he can be accused of is not telling her what he knew before she found out herself.
Luckily, after a lot more drama and yet another huge misunderstanding and speed bump, they got things right in the end and were granted a fairy tale ending - which they rightfully deserved. Both of them.
I don't hate this book but I don't think I will be reading it again - it was certainly interesting enough to keep me reading but I just can't deal with the hero and heroine's issues with each other.