But the final heartache in the suck sandwich of my life? My great-aunt Maggie died. The only family member who’s ever gotten me. Even after death, though, she’s helping me get back up. She’s willed me the keys to a house in the burbs, of all places, and dared me to grab life by the family jewels. Well, I’ve got the vise grips already in hand (my ex should take note) and I’m ready to fight for my life again.
Too bad that bravado only lasts as long as it takes to drive into Huckleberry Hills. And see the house. There are forty-seven separate HOA violations, and I feel them all in my bones. Honestly, I’m surprised no one’s “accidentally” torched the house yet. I want to, and I’ve only been standing in front of it for five minutes. But then my hot, grumpy neighbor tells me to mow the lawn first and I’m just...done. Done with men too sexy for their own good and done with anyone telling me what to do ever again.
First rule of surviving the burbs? There is nothing that YouTube and a glass of wine can’t conquer.
Published: March 30, 2021
Pages: 326
Genres: Romance
Format: Kindle
Date Read: December 22, 2021
Rating: 3.5 Potatoes
First of all, I apologize for the short review for this one. My original review was accidentally deleted!
I read this book straight through, I just could not put it down!
The heroine made me so angry in the beginning that I just wanted to slap her but I continued to read, hoping she would get her redemption. I was getting so frustrated with how naive she was towards her ex. He took advantage of her in every way and she just let him. But then, when I really thought about it - how many women are in the same boat? So the more I thought about it, the more realistic this book became and the more I started to understand her motives a bit.
I enjoyed the character of Nick from the second we met him in the book and I loved his chemistry with Mallory!
There were many unnecessary scenes in this book in my opinion but it was a good read and I truly did enjoy it.
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